A portrait photo of Nia Keith leaning on a fence in front of a green field with bird boxes in the background. Location: Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln

In Your Words: Nia Keith

Mass Audubon’s Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

A portrait photo of Nia Keith leaning on a fence in front of a green field with bird boxes in the background. Location: Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln
Nia Keith, Mass Audubon VP for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice at Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln.

My journey with Mass Audubon has traveled a spiral path. My life and career have taken me to lots of new and exciting opportunities, but I always seem to circle back to Mass Audubon. I first became familiar with the organization in graduate school, looking for a place to conduct research. I was attending Antioch University New England for environmental studies when I stumbled across Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary in Worcester. I spent many hours over the course of a semester rambling through the forest, cataloging flora, and developing a fondness for the dedicated and friendly staff.

At the time, it never occurred to me that I would become an employee. As luck would have it, Mass Audubon hired me two years later as an environmental educator in the city of Lawrence. I ran programs for children and teens, led schoolyard gardening initiatives, and mentored youth leaders. When the grant cycle that funded my position came to its close, I prepared to move on in my career, thoroughly enriched by my experience with Mass Audubon.

Over the next 10 years, I specialized in science education, becoming a certified middle school science teacher and, eventually, advancing to director of professional development at the Museum of Science in Boston. Although I loved the work I was doing, I felt the need to return to my environmental justice roots. In 2020, I came back to Mass Audubon, but this time as statewide climate change education manager. It’s impossible to address climate change without also addressing the societal injustices at the root of the issue. To this end, I focused my work on climate justice, regularly engaging people in conversations about equity and access to nature. Before too long, I was asked to be a lead contributor to the development of Mass Audubon’s new Action Agenda, focusing on DEIJ initiatives and goals. In July of 2021, I was promoted to vice president for diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.  

Nia Keith taking in the view at Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Edgartown
Nia Keith taking in the view at Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Edgartown

The thing I love most about Mass Audubon, and why I returned, is the people who engage in our work. From the volunteers to the board to the staff, we are surrounded by dedicated and passionate people. Every day, I get to work alongside some of the most creative and talented professionals in the field. Both my professional and personal growth have been enhanced by the relationships I’ve built with my colleagues.

The current leg of my Mass Audubon journey is a critical one, both for me and for the organization. For years, Mass Audubon has worked to address issues of diversity and inclusion, but this is the first time that this work has been elevated to an executive-level position and given such a prominent role at the heart of all our work. I’m proud of Mass Audubon’s commitment to creating a more just and equitable world for everyone and so excited to be the new VP for DEIJ.

I don’t know where the next turn of the spiral path will take me, but I hope it’s paved with equity and access to nature for all.

In Your Words is a regular feature of Mass Audubon’s Explore member newsletter. Each issue, a Mass Audubon member, volunteer, staff member, or supporter shares their story—why Mass Audubon and protecting the nature of Massachusetts matters to them. If you have a story to share about your connection to Mass Audubon, email [email protected]  to be considered for In Your Words in a future issue! 

A pair of hands in knit gloves forming a heart shape against a snowy outdoor sunset

How to Dress for Winter Adventures

Winter is a great time for outdoor adventures: sledding, building snowmen and snow forts, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, winter hiking, and more. But cold-weather activities can quickly lose their allure—or become downright dangerous—if you’re not dressed for comfort and warmth. Luckily, it’s not complicated or expensive to clothe yourself appropriately for winter weather. Here’s a guide so you can plan ahead.

A pair of hands in knit gloves forming a heart shape against a snowy outdoor sunset

Layers, Layers, Layers

You can always take layers off, but you can’t put clothes on that you don’t have. Dress for the activity you are going to be doing, but always consider that you may be out longer than you think and pack extra clothing. Dressing in multiple light, comfortable layers will allow you to easily don and doff items as your needs and activity level fluctuate. Plus, It’s the air trapped between your layers that really keeps you warm, so aim to have a moisture-wicking base layer (more on that in a moment), an insulating middle layer, and an outer “shell” layer that protects you from wind and rain.

And don’t forget your gloves, hat, and scarf. It’s a myth that we lose half our body heat through our heads, but any exposed skin is going to release precious warmth, so it’s best to bundle up the face, scalp, and neck, especially in windy conditions. The wind pulls heat from your body even faster than still air thanks to “forced convection,” the same mechanism that allows a fan or breeze to cool you off on a hot day (it’s also why we blow on hot food to cool it down).

Winter Snowshoeing © Bill Madden
Winter Snowshoeing © Bill Madden

Keep Dry

Whether it’s from sweat, precipitation, or humidity in the air, water is your enemy when it comes to conserving heat. When gearing up, plan to be warm enough that you can enjoy yourself but not so warm that you sweat through your clothes—even a moderate amount of activity can have you working up a sweat in no time. Damp clothes plus cool air will give you a chill as your heart rate slows down.

Materials matter, too: Steer clear of absorbent cotton clothing, and opt instead for moisture-wicking materials like wool and activewear synthetics, which draw moisture away from the skin and help it evaporate without stealing heat. This is especially true for socks. Your feet expel a lot of moisture that gets trapped inside your boots. Wool socks can insulate and keep you warm even when moderately wet.

Photo from the knees-down of a child standing on a fallen log in the forest in a pair of winter boots.
A good pair of waterproof winter boots is invaluable.

Other Gear

Calories are the fuel that your body burns to create heat, so make sure you pack plenty of water and some snacks to help keep you warm and enjoying the outdoors. But remember, it takes the body a little time to turn food into warmth, so don’t wait until you’re hungry or thirsty to refuel!

Be kind to your feet and opt for boots that are waterproof, insulated, and tall enough to keep snow and water out, but never so tight that they restrict blood flow.

And if you’re planning a long hike (say, more than 1.5 hours), add a first aid kit, flashlight with extra batteries, and an emergency blanket to your minimum gear. Hand and foot warmer packs are a great addition to any winter hiking bag, but they are not a replacement for proper clothing.

A young girl in winter clothes kneeling in the snow and laughing as she showers herself with snow. Photo © Phil Doyle. Location: Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in Northampton & Easthampton
Fun in the snow at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary © Phil Doyle

Stay Aware, Be Proactive

Your body is generally pretty good at telling you what it needs, so pay attention to what it is signaling and adjust your layers as frequently as you need to. If you start to warm up, consider shedding a layer. Likewise, make a practice of noticing when you start to get cold and adjust accordingly.

Have a full bladder? This could be your body responding to a drop in temperature. When exposed to cold, your body will begin to constrict blood flow to your extremities to conserve heat around your vital organs. The resulting increase in blood pressure triggers the kidneys to filter out excess fluid to reduce blood volume (called cold diuresis), which can lead to an increased frequency of urination. Cold diuresis is also dehydrating, so try to sip water frequently, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

While it’s normal to feel the need to pee more when it’s cold out, this can also be an early warning sign that you may be getting too cold. If you start shivering or notice white or blueish patches of skin forming (early signs of hypothermia and frostbite, respectively), it’s time to get inside and get warm right away.

These are our top recommendations, but what about you? What are your best tricks for staying warm and comfortable during winter activities? Let us know in the comments!

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