There are 10 species of turtles in Massachusetts, ranging from the tiny bog turtle, which measures 3-4” long, to the prehistoric-looking snapping turtle, which can grow up to 19” long. In addition, five sea turtles visit our shores, occasionally becoming stranded on beaches. Although many turtle species live in the water, all must breathe air and lay eggs on land.
With so much variety, it’s hard not to love these impressive, ancient reptiles, so here are five photos of native turtle species from past entries to our Picture This: Your Great Outdoors photo contest.
Please remember, although it’s wonderful to observe and appreciate turtles from a distance, it’s usually best to leave them to their business, especially those species that are protected by state or federal endangered species acts. Learn more about what to do in various turtle encounters on our website.

Snapping Turtle © Jim Morelly

Wood Turtle © Jim Morelly

Painted Turtle © John Aberhart

Eastern Box Turtle © Kevin McCarthy

Diamond-backed Terrapin © Alyse Roe