Tag Archives: bird-a-thon

Wellfleet’s Not-so-Lame Ducks #mabirdathon

The Wellfleet Lame Ducks, part of the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary Bird-a-thon team, are an accomplished fundraising force of beginner and intermediate birders. Hear from team leader, Peggy Sagan (pictured far right), about how the flock formed.

The idea for the Lame Ducks was hatched in 2011. At that time, there were several extraordinary women who were committed to the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary but didn’t consider themselves “real” birders.

Wellfleet Bay’s special events coordinator thought “What if we offer these women the opportunity to become better birders? Would they commit to fundraising for Bird-a-thon?” The answer, she soon found out, was a resounding yes.

Since then, Sanctuary Director Bob Prescott and other sanctuary staff have led the “Lame Ducks” (as the team was named) on a series of birding outings each spring to increase their bird knowledge and identification skills.

In return, what began as a small, laid-back clutch of mixed-ability birders has fledged into a fundraising powerhouse, regularly contributing one-third to one-half of Wellfleet’s Bird-a-thon total. And along the way, the flock has become just as competitive about their birding ability and species counts as they are about their fundraising prowess.

Although the individual lame ducks have come and gone as families relocate and personal situations change, most of the original members are still birding and fundraising for Wellfleet’s Bird-a-thon team and we are so grateful for their participation.

The 2017 Lame Ducks include: Ann Allan*, Josie Anderson, Marie Broudy, Janet Drohan*, Janet Golan, Mary O’Neil, Patty Shannon, Christine Shreves, Janet Sisterson*, & Lynn Southey (*original member)

Get Involved

Want to get more involved in Bird-a-thon? Join a team to create a fundraising page and/or contact a team captain to join a birding roster. Can’t participate in Bird-a-thon this year? Consider donating to a sanctuary or program team.

Thank You to our Bird-a-thon Sponsors

Lead Sponsor: Standard Auto
Support Sponsor: AmeriPride Services
Community Sponsor: MetLife

The Most Notable 2016 Bird-a-thon Sightings

More than 700 birders on 24 teams participated in Bird-a-thon 2016 this May, recording a total of 270 species of birds. That’s only 1 species away from the Bird-a-thon all-time best total of 271 species in 2009!

Highlighted below are some notable sightings as determined by Wayne Petersen, Director, Important Bird Area Program. (See the master list of species recorded.)

The birding may be over, but you can still support Bird-a-thon by making a donation to your favorite team or participant. Bird-a-thon is Mass Audubon’s largest fundraiser, providing important support to wildlife sanctuaries and programs across the state. See Bird-a-thon 2016 results and award winners