Celebrating Wildlife in Massachusetts

World Wildlife Day is a time to appreciate and advocate for nature. As residents or visitors of Massachusetts, we are lucky to be able to enjoy a wide array of wildlife across our landscape – from animals as small as a Bog Copper Butterfly to giant Humpback Whales.

To help you celebrate on March 3, we’ve highlighted some plants and animals you should keep an eye out for as you explore the outdoors this spring! 

Blooming Skunk Cabbages 

Skunk Cabbage ermerging
Skunk Cabbage

While they may not look like a flower, Skunk Cabbages are one of the first flowers to bloom in the springtime. You can find them sprouting in wetlands with a curved hood-like structure (the spathe) surrounding a round flower-bearing spadix. Eventually, big bright green leaves will emerge. As their name suggests, Skunk Cabbages release a potent, skunk-like smell as it blooms.  

“Quacking” Wood Frogs 

Wood Frog
Wood Frog © Amanda DeRosa

True to their name, Wood Frogs live in forested areas and breed in the vernal pools. They are a brown or tan color, with a dark “mask” covering their eyes. Wood Frogs have ridges running down their sides and no pattern on their back. As you approach a vernal pool, listen for the distinct quacking sounds of the Wood Frogs that have congregated there.  

Nesting Carpenter Bees 

Carpenter Bee
Carpenter Bee © Meyer Franklin

Solitary bees, such as carpenter bees, sweat bees, and mining bees, are a type of bee that overwinter in Massachusetts. Many of these bees are hole-nesters, making their home out of hollowed-out twigs or tunnels in the soil. In the winter, solitary bee eggs develop into larvae and emerge in April as young bees. You can tell the difference between carpenter bees and fuzzy bumblebees by their completely black, shiny, hairless abdomen.  

Returning Killdeer 

Killdeer © Ken DiBiccari

Named after their shrill kill-deer, kill-deer call, Killdeer are one species of shorebird that you don’t need to go to the beach to enjoy. They can be found in fields and pastures, on playgrounds, lawns, unpaved driveways, beach dunes, and other open areas. When a predator ventures too close to their young, the Killdeer parent begins a classic distraction display, which includes flopping along the ground with its wings dragging as though injured and constantly flashing its brightly marked tail to deter the potential threat.  

Denning Coyotes 

Coyotes © George Brehm

After their mating season wraps up in February, coyotes begin to search for a suitable den site to raise their young. Coyote dens are typically hidden in downed trees, stumps, or culverts. Coyotes resemble a German shepherd in appearance but have pointed ears that stand erect, a more pointed muzzle, and a very bushy tail that hangs down in a vertical position. While you may see coyotes any time of day, they are most active at dawn and dusk. Usually, coyotes will avoid human interaction, but it’s always best to observe them from a distance.  

What are you seeing on our adventures? Share in the comments or tag us on social using @massaudubon.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Feeding Birds

Feeding birds is a fun and easy activity for people of all ages. If you’re new to bird feeding or looking to up your game, keep reading to learn some tips and tricks about safely feeding your neighborhood birds!

Eastern Bluebird sitting on metal pole looking at a metal bird
Eastern Bluebird


Do research on what type of seed to get. Different birds prefer different types of seed, however, black oil sunflower seeds appear to be the favorite for most bird species.


Don’t feed birds processed foods like bread or crackers. When birds snack on these kinds of food, they can fill up without getting any nutrition. It’s important that they eat natural foods that provide them the right nutrients to keep them healthy.

Blue Jay eating seed
Blue Jay © Jonathan Model


Do regularly clean your bird feeder. Lots of birds clustered around a feeder can contribute to the spread of disease, so it’s important to clean every two weeks. If you notice a sick bird, take down the feeder for at least two weeks to prevent other birds from being contaminated. Areas underneath should be raked periodically to remove hulls and uneaten seeds.


Don’t store your bird seed in hot, moist areas prone to rodents. Aluminum trash cans with tight-fitting lids are ideal rodent-proof containers for seeds.

Two American Goldfinches on a bird feeder
American Goldfinches


Do plan out where you will place your bird feeder. Birds often look for feeders near trees or shrubs to protect them from predators. You also don’t want it to be too close to trees where a squirrel can jump onto the feeder. Placing your feeder 10-15 feet away from trees and shrubs should provide the right balance!


Don’t forget to take your bird feeder in if you live in an area with black bear activity. For many communities in central and western Massachusetts, it may be a good idea to remove your bird feeder between the months of March and November, when black bears are out and about. Some bears remain active in winter if food is available, so keep an eye out for signs of a bear in your area.

Ready to get started? Stock up on your bird feeding supplies at the Mass Audubon Shop!