Protecting Salt Marshes at Allens Pond 

Visitors to Mass Audubon’s Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary in South Dartmouth and Westport may be curious if they spot groups of individuals digging on the sanctuary’s salt marsh. 

Under the watchful eye of Mass Audubon’s Coastal Resilience Program Director Dr. Danielle Perry and the South East team, they are carving out runnels, shallow channels used to improve waterlogged conditions on the salt marsh by lowering the water table and draining impounded water.  

Climate-related increases in sea level have shown that incoming tides are higher and lasting longer, causing upland areas of the marsh to be flooded more frequently, resulting in the formation of saltwater pools (water impoundments) that remain even when tides recede.  

These water impoundments are having a disastrous effect on the high-marsh ecology, including vegetative die-off and habitat loss. As they literally drown in place, we lose essential salt marsh services such as protection against floods and storms—and as marshes degrade they can release stored carbon and greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. 

Along with our partners at Save the Bay, Bristol County Mosquito Control, Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, we are utilizing narrow, strategically placed runnels to drain excess sea water into preexisting ditches or creeks that flow into open water. This strategy alleviates stresses on these habitats, which is crucial to the long-term viability of the plants and animals that rely upon them.  

A runnel

For example, Saltmarsh Sparrows are now extremely vulnerable as their nests within the high marsh are more frequently inundated by incoming tides, as sea level rises.  

Creating runnels can be an effective nature-based climate solution, rather than constructing extensive and costly sea walls that further erode the salt marsh. 

Perry and Mass Audubon Director of Conservation Science Jeff Collins hope to use this salt marsh restoration technique and others at additional coastal sanctuaries, including Great Neck in Wareham, Barnstable Great Marsh and Wellfleet Bay on Cape Cod Bay, and Rough Meadows in Rowley on the North Shore. 

3 Shy Creatures of Massachusetts

There are some species of wildlife we can see almost every day–from a rabbit munching on plants to a squirrel climbing a tree. Others, like the bobcat, fisher, or coyote, are a bit more elusive. Learn more about each of these shy creatures and what to do if you do encounter one. 

Only Wild Cat in Massachusetts 

Lynx rufus, Bobcat © Scott Lewis

Bobcats, marked by their short “bobbed” tail, live in a range of habitats, with the highest populations in the central and western regions of Massachusetts. They’re roughly twice the size of a domestic house cat (from 15 to 35 pounds) but still smaller than most other wild cats found in the US.

Even though these cats are very wary of humans, small pets, livestock, and chickens can be on their diet. If there’s sightings in your area, be sure to keep your animals in a secure pen or indoors at night. If you see one in the wild, make sure you keep your distance and appreciate them from afar.

Weasels That Don’t Actually Fish 

Pekania pennanti, Fisher © Scott Eggimann

Despite being called “fisher cats,” fishers aren’t feline nor do they catch fish. Fishers look like most other weasels, with a sleek body (from 32-40 inches) and a long tail that makes up a third of their total length. These predators are equipped with retractable claws to help them hunt on the ground and roost in tall trees.

In the late 19th century, fishers were almost completely eliminated from southern New England because of forest destruction and unregulated trapping. After reintroduction to Massachusetts in the 1950s, fishers are now widespread across the state.

They prefer to keep their distance from humans but can attack free-roaming domestic birds, cats, and rabbits. They are also one of the only natural predators to eat porcupines. To help avoid fisher conflicts, make sure to clean the seeds below birdfeeders (which may attract small rodents), secure your garbage, and keep your pets and livestock enclosed at night.

Not Your Average Canine 

Canis latrans, Coyote © Nancy Graupner

Eastern Coyotes are a resilient species that have adapted to live in almost any landscape, including cities. These canines look like medium-sized dogs (23-26 inches tall) but have longer and thicker fur.

You can hear coyotes howling and yipping at night all year round, as they don’t hibernate. Coyotes are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat whatever food is available, including small animals, birds, garbage, and compost.  

Although the chances of being attacked by a coyote are slim, there are some simple precautions to keep you and your pets safe. Never approach or feed a coyote, and keep your garbage secured to prevent access. If you do come across a coyote, make lots of noise to scare it away.  

Protecting All Wildlife 

Mammals like bobcats, fisher, and coyotes may not be seen on a daily basis, but they still play a critical role in balancing their ecosystem by keeping other animal populations in check.

To learn more about how Mass Audubon is protecting habitats to support all wildlife, including the shy ones, visit our Action Agenda, or donate to support our efforts.