Climate Champions

Climate Champions Fall Update

This spring, we launched Climate Champions, a grassroots network of volunteers working together to speak with one collective, powerful voice. With training from policy experts, Climate Champions help advocate for town and state policies that help achieve the state’s goal to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reverse negative health impacts of climate change for environmental justice communities.   

pic of the state house and a sign in front that says change

How It’s Going

Under the leadership of Community Organizer Heather Packard, we now have 300 Climate Champions signed up and taking action. These champions are all ages and have all levels of experience.

Their first initiative was a June Beacon Hill Lobby Day, where 13 legislators met with groups of champions in person and virtually to find out why we believe it is so important to fund nature-based climate solutions.

June 22 Lobby Day at the State House after meeting with Senator Cyr’s staff. From left: Robert Cohen, Joyce Cohen, Danielle Dolan, Jared Kannel, Carrie Hawthorne, and Heather Packard

Champions also have the opportunity to attend trainings and meet monthly with other Climate Champions in their region as well as statewide monthly calls to learn from Mass Audubon Policy & Advocacy Leadership. For those who couldn’t attend, all meetings are recorded and can be watched anytime!

Each statewide monthly call always has one advocacy action everyone can take to make an impact. So far champions have had the opportunity to:

  • Provide comments to MA Dept of Energy Resources (DOER) speaking up in support of letting cities and towns require fossil-fuel free construction  
  • Weigh in with state Senators to urge them to support investments in open space, recreation, ecological restoration, and climate adaptation in the Economic Development bill. 
  • Create Twitter accounts in preparation for future Action Alerts to state legislators. 
  • Urge the governor to ask him to sign the Climate Bill that would ramp up clean energy production and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. 

What’s Next

Mass Audubon Policy & Advocacy staff are in the process of developing the organization’s legislative and policy priorities for the 2023-2024 legislative session, which runs from January 2023 through the end of July 2024. 

We’re seeking input from all Climate Champions (current and future) on these priorities getting input from all Climate Champions on our state Legislative Priorities for the next session.  

This month, our focus is on getting input on local climate issues and projects for the next year as well as encouraging everyone to vote in collaboration with The Environmental Voter Project. We will also offer a training on how and where to recruit for more Climate Champions. 

Learn More

Everyone can be a Climate Champion–whether you have no time and a lot of experience, or lots of time and no experience, or somewhere in the middle.

Find out more and sign up >

U.S. Finally Goes Big on Climate  

Between an ongoing pandemic, political division, inflation, and war, the news headlines are undeniably grim. So it is incredibly heartening news that, after three decades of Congressional inaction on climate change, the U.S. Congress enacted not one but two major actions on climate change in just two months.  

Learn more about these recent climate actions and their importance to U.S. and global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to levels consistent with what science tells us is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.  

Inflation Reduction Act  

President Biden signs the Inflation Reduction Act into law.

Early this summer, the Biden Administration’s efforts to pass meaningful climate legislation appeared all but dead. But in a major August surprise, the U.S. Senate revived and passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a $369 billion package that is the first comprehensive climate law in U.S. history.  

Passing by the slimmest margin of votes possible, the IRA sets out a wide range of incentives, loan guarantees, and tax rebates designed to quickly scale up clean energy production through solar, wind, and advanced nuclear. The IRA also provides incentives to deploy millions of electric vehicles and develop new low-carbon technologies and fuels for heavy-duty transportation, aircraft, buildings, and industry.  

The IRA’s level of investment in clean energy and low-carbon technology over the next decade is simply unprecedented. Initial estimates find that the law will help the U.S. reduce GHG emissions 40 percent below their all-time high by 2030, nearly meeting the Biden Administration’s goal of 50 percent. It’s possible that additional actions by leading climate states like Massachusetts, California, and New York could get us over that critical target for 2030.  

The IRA also recognizes that our existing energy system has created a long, damaging legacy of air and water pollution, toxic contamination, and irreversible damages to public health. The majority of these impacts have been largely borne by communities of color and low-income residents. By investing between $40 to 60 billion in community block grants, weatherization, energy efficiency, clean energy, and clean vehicles, the IRA makes a major down payment on reversing this devastating legacy. Finally, the IRA invests billions in programs for climate-smart forestry and agriculture, as well as restoration of coastal ecosystems that are especially vulnerable to sea-level rise and storm surge. 

In sum, the IRA sets the U.S. and Massachusetts on a stronger course to meet our GHG goals, primes us up to become the world leader in clean energy technologies and practices, and begins to reverse decades of harm to environmental justice communities. With this unexpected chance for a more just energy and climate system for future generations, now it’s time for Massachusetts and other states and cities to capitalize and deliver.  

Kigali Amendments to the Montreal Protocol 

“What if the Senate passed an international climate treaty—a pact so powerful that it could avert nearly 1 degree Fahrenheit of global warming—and nobody noticed?” – Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic  

In September, that is exactly what happened when the U.S. Senate passed the Kigali Amendments to the Montreal Protocol. Ratified by the U.S. Senate back in 1988, the Montreal Protocol is an international treaty that phases out the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which damage the ozone layer that protects us from dangerous ultraviolet radiation.   

Now, the Kigali Amendments to the Montreal Protocol will phase out the production and sale of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are used in industrial refrigerants and consumer products. HFCs are a highly potent greenhouse gas, trapping vastly more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.  

Importantly, the Kigali Amendments passed with a bipartisan vote that included 21 Republicans along with 48 Democrats. It also had the support of industry, which began preparing for the phase-out years ago by researching replacements for HFCs. Because HFCs are such a potent greenhouse gas, and are used everywhere in the world, their phase-out will make a major contribution to our global emission reduction goals.    

It’s hard to overstate what a remarkable turnaround for climate action this represents, in the span of just two short months. The world has been waiting impatiently for the U.S. to lead on climate. Though long overdue, we’re feeling very emboldened by these actions – finally, the federal government is leaning in with resources needed by Massachusetts and other leading climate states and cities to show the world it is possible to meet ambitious goals for stabilizing our climate system.