Over the next few weeks, Mass Audubon will be welcoming new and returning campers across Massachusetts and in Rindge, NH. Last week, Wildwood overnight camp hosted 140 new and returning Mass Audubon camp counselors from Pleasant Valley in Lenox to Joppa Flats in Newburyport and everywhere in between for the annual Field School.
Field School is a unique opportunity for counselors from camps across Mass Audubon’s sanctuaries to come together to share songs, stories, and experiences, and learn new skills and fun nature activities to share with their campers.
Check out photos and stories from Field School at the Word from Wildwood blog, and let us know in the comments: What are you most excited for at camp this summer?

Counselors learned about the life cycles of butterflies and dragonflies, lessons they can share with their campers this summer, and went on a Bug Hunt. This counselor captured something neat in her bug cup! What could it be?