Category Archives: Advocacy

Good and Bad News on the Pipeline Front

This week one of the major proposed natural gas pipelines in Massachusetts suspended its work. Kinder Morgan’s Northeast Energy Direct (NED) pipeline is halting development as it has been unable to find enough major customers to merit moving forward with the project. Fierce opposition by Mass Audubon, community activists, and politicians compounded their challenges.

While this is great news, there is more work to be done defending open space and important conservation land from other pipelines. Several other projects are still in the works including the Kinder Morgan Tennessee Gas Pipeline Connecticut Expansion and Spectra Energy’s Access Northeast project.

The decision by Kinder Morgan to halt NED may actually help these other pipeline projects that we actively oppose. As the Boston Globe reports:

“…the decision could provide a big boost to the other large pipeline construction project proposed for New England, Spectra Energy Partners’ Access Northeast, which has the financial backing of utilities Eversource Energy and National Grid.”

Learn more about our advocacy against new pipelines, along with our position statement on the major proposed projects.

Proposed Pipelines Put Conservation Land at Risk

Mass Audubon opposes several proposed natural gas pipeline projects in Massachusetts, and we have been actively involved in the project review process.

Most recently we submitted an amicus brief to the Berkshire Superior Court in support of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office, for their defense against the Kinder Morgan Tennessee Gas Pipeline Connecticut Expansion. This proposed natural gas pipeline project is attempting to remove protections on state land designated for permanent conservation.

The land in question is a large parcel of Article 97 conservation land in Otis State Forest in Sandisfield. Among its many valuable features are a 425-year-old eastern hemlock old growth forest, rare plant and animal species, mature deciduous woodlands, rolling meadows, and the entire 62-acre Lower Spectacle Pond.

Lower Spectacle Pond in Sandisfield

Lower Spectacle Pond in Sandisfield

Mass Audubon is committed to the permanent protection of this land. We were heavily involved in its acquisition when we purchased and preserved it as conservation land, then conveyed it to the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

We previously submitted testimony to the Massachusetts State Legislature in opposition to the transfer of Article 97 protections from this land for access to the Tennessee Gas Pipeline through legislation. We have also submitted comments from Mass Audubon to the Baker Administration.

In addition to the Connecticut Expansion project, Kinder Morgan has proposed the Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline, which would pass through Mass Audubon’s West Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary in Plainfield.

A third proposed project involving Mass Audubon land is Spectra Energy’s Access Northeast pipeline, which would cut across Mass Audubon’s 100-year-old Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary in Sharon. We will continue to oppose all three projects.

Learn more about our position and steps we have taken >