Monthly Archives: April 2014

Mass Audubon Educators Take Center Stage

NSTA ConferenceThis is an exciting week for our educators, who, after a year of preparation, are representing Mass Audubon at the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) Conference in Boston—an annual event that brings together 10,000 of the brightest minds in science education for four days of workshops, brainstorming, sharing best practices, and just plain geeking out.

Now through Sunday we’ll be leading workshops on everything from how to engage students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) through hands-on field research, to climate change science, to citizen science and other Mass Audubon School and Group topics. And we even have an interactive exhibit, complete with live animals and a tree!

We excited to share our expertise, learn from other talented teachers, and spread the word about the role of environmental education in getting kids involved in science.

If you happen to be at the conference be sure to stop by! We’ll be the ones with the sound of wood frogs coming from our booth.

Enter the 2014 Photo Contest

It’s one of our favorite times of the year! The 2014 Picture This Photo Contest has officially begun.

As in the past years, we’re looking for great shots taken in Massachusetts that celebrate the great outdoors: birds, mammals, and insects; landscapes; native plants, flowers, and fungi; and people enjoying nature of course!

The contest is open to everyone of all ages and abilities. Doesn’t matter if your using a smart phone, point-and-shoot, or SLR, we want to see your best shots. And this year, we’ve updated the entry process, making it easy to enter from any device.

The contest runs April 1 to September 30. Find everything you need to know about how and what to enter or get inspiration from the 2013 winners. And be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, where each month we will highlight some of the entries. Until then, happy snapping!