Four Leaders Making a Difference in Environmental Justice

Even though we are now in May, we are continuing to honor Earth Month and Celebrate Diversity Month by highlighting four leaders whose love of the natural world has launched them into a lifelong journey in environmental protection and advocacy. 

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) have always been at the forefront of environmental movements, developing innovative solutions to pressing environmental issues facing American communities, especially those that disproportionately bear the impact of climate change and other environmental crises. 

For example, in 1968, Thomas Oliver (T.O.) Jones kickstarted the Memphis Sanitation Strike to promote a better working environment for Memphis sanitation workers, which became the first organized, nationwide African American group to advocate for environmental justice (EJ). In more recent years, Kandi Mossett, an Indigenous environmental rights advocate, led the voices at Standing Rock, North Dakota, to preserve sacred Indigenous land against imminent destruction caused by the Dakota Access Pipeline project in 2016.  

Massachusetts communities also face rising impacts from climate change and harmful human activity, and BIPOC leaders are rising to the challenge at a local, regional, and statewide level. Here are just a few powerful leaders that advocate for EJ and access to nature. 

Rishi Reddi, Director of Environmental Justice at the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) 

Rishi Reddi © Sharona Jacobs

An environmental lawyer and award-winning fiction author, Reddi, who was born in Hyderabad, India, and lived in Great Britain before moving to the US, focuses on addressing laws and regulations that impact communities challenging EJ, public health, and racial injustice issues. 

Reddi is working on incorporating the EEA’s environmental justice policy for Massachusetts, into state programs and initiatives, including the MEPA review process, which ensures community and health impact analysis for development.  The policy expresses “the principle that all people have a right to be protected from environmental hazards and to live in and enjoy a clean and healthful environment regardless of race, color, national origin, income, or English language proficiency.” 

Reddi and her team at the EEA work directly with residents in historically underinvested EJ communities to understand where and what kind of change is needed to ensure that the state protects everyone from impacts of climate change.

Melanie Gárate, Climate Resiliency Manager for the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) 

Once a Coastal Waterbird Education Specialist and Teacher Naturalist at Mass Audubon, Melanie Gárate now works closely with municipalities, public health officials, and community-based groups in the Boston area to implement climate-resilient strategies for the benefit of those most impacted by extreme weather. 

In March of 2022, Gárate received the Environmental Justice and Equity Expert Urban Waters Learning Network Award funded by the EPA for her work at MyRWA. She is also a 2022 Public Voices Fellow on the Climate Crisis with the OpEd Project and Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, and she will work with other professionals to produce at least two pieces of thought leadership on how climate change impacts her community. 

To learn more about Gárate’s previous role at Mass Audubon, read her 2018 In Your Words

Raei Bridges, CEO and founder of The Rusty Anvil 

After finding personal liberation through reconnecting with the land, Raei Bridges founded The Rusty Anvil, LLC, an organization that aims to restore relationships between BIPOC community members and nature through guided wilderness trips and learning ancestral living skills while honoring the indigenous Mohican and Pocumtuc peoples who for millennia stewarded the land where the Rusty Anvil’s programming takes place.  

Bridges wants to restore the powerful, healthy relationships with nature that many BIPOCs are and have been excluded from through forest emersion. This practice is “centered around BIPOC individuals in their journey towards reclamation and reconnection to the natural world,” Raei noted. “These immersions offer an opportunity to experience the healing benefits of the natural world through mindfulness-based activities, daily journaling, and movement. They are intended to bridge the gap between marginalized communities and nature, and create a non-competitive space.”  

Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Space for the City of Boston

Rev. Mariama White-Hammond © Reba Saldanha

Reverend Mariama White-Hammond works to strengthen the resilience of Boston communities by protecting the water, air, climate, and land. Rev. White-Hammond oversees Climate Ready Boston, the Parks and Recreation Department, the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO), and other programs that build resilient neighborhoods and protect natural resources across Boston. She also works with other members of the Cabinet to help Boston become carbon neutral by 2050.  

Rev. White-Hammond is the founding pastor of New Roots AME Church, a multi-racial and multi-class community. 

Continuing to Celebrate Diversity 

As we look to the future of the planet and our communities, we also see the importance of preparing the next wave of leaders in EJ and climate advocacy. Mass Audubon programs like the Environmental Fellowship Program and Willow Tree Youth Leaders Internship Program, provide young professionals of color and students with the skills and experiences needed for careers in environmental and conservation fields. 

To learn more about other Mass Audubon Diversity and Equity initiatives and programs, visit our Diversity & Inclusion page

What To Know About Going Solar

From charging your phone to heating your home, energy powers your life. Unfortunately, not every energy resource is sustainable. Currently, many people rely on fossil fuels for most of their energy needs. Fossil fuels are finite resources—such as coal, oil, and natural gas—found in the earth and release excess greenhouse gases into the atmosphere – the root of climate change.  

Solar energy, on the other hand, is cleaner and limitless. If you are interested in going green, solar panels may be a great addition to your home. Here are the basics you need to know. 

Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary

How do solar panels work? 

As you drive through your town, you may see solar panels on the roof of someone’s home. These solar panels, or photovoltaic cells, rely on sunlight to create a microscopic reaction that separates electrons from the atom. This separation results in an electrical current that we can harness and use. Even when the sun isn’t shining, power is generated by an electric grid connected to the module. 

Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary

What to consider before getting solar panels 

There are a couple of factors you need to consider before installing any solar panels on your home, including location and orientation to the sun. Solar panels should be placed in a location with plenty of direct sunlight and free of any trees or buildings that could block the sun’s rays. For houses in the Northern Hemisphere, it is optimal for solar panels to face south.  

Once you confirm that your home is suitable for solar panels, you must decide what type and number of panels to install. A solar photovoltaic (PV) module can be installed on your roof or mounted on the ground. 

Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary

Buying versus leasing solar panels 

While both buying and renting solar panels are cost-effective green solutions to powering your home, there are different advantages to both options. When you buy solar panels, they can increase your home’s value and save you more in your monthly energy costs. On the other hand, upfront costs for solar panels are much less when leasing, and you are not in charge of future maintenance.  

No matter what you decide, there are several statewide and third-party programs to help you finance solar panel installation. If you choose to use a third-party program, there are typically two types of agreements. The first is a lease that allows you to only pay for the solar system rather than the electricity generated. The second option is a power purchase agreement (PPA) in which the provider installs the PV array and then sells the electricity generated back to you at a rate that is usually lower than the local utility price. 

If leasing or buying isn’t feasible for you, a community solar program where you receive energy from a shared solar system, may be a perfect solution. 

Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary © Phil Doyle

Solar at Mass Audubon

Here at Mass Audubon, we strongly support responsibly-sited solar power, and improved access to it, as highlighted in our Action Agenda goals. Through careful site selection and consideration, 20 Mass Audubon wildlife sanctuaries are powered in part or in full by solar PV arrays. Our teams meticulously choose solar installation sites to minimize the loss and fragmentation of existing ecosystems and support resilient landscapes, so our first choice is to always install solar panels on an available roof. 

Mass Audubon’s largest array, with 119 PV roof panels, powers the Environmental Learning Center (ELC) at Drumlin Farm in Lincoln, and even has excess power for nearby buildings to use. In addition to the ELC, the Nature Center, Farm Life Center, and Green Barn are all equipped and powered in part by separate solar arrays.  

Unlike the panels at Drumlin Farm that are fixed in one direction, the PV array at the Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in Easthampton tilts and rotates to follow the sun. Throughout the day, the panel adjusts to track the sun’s location and generates as much solar energy as possible. Compared to a fixed array, adjustable arrays can harness 45% more power. 

In April of 2022, the Boston Nature Center in Mattapan announced it’s accomplishment of reaching a net-zero energy status, or becoming carbon neutral, through the installation of solar panels on the George Robert White Environmental Conservation Center, and a nearby ground-mounted array. By becoming carbon-neutral, the Boston Nature Center is eliminating the emission of more than 136,000 pounds of heat-trapping carbon dioxide annually.

Learn more

If you want to learn more about the solar panel benefits, costs, and programs, visit Mass Save, an organization that aims to help residents and businesses across Massachusetts save money and energy, leading our state to a clean and energy-efficient future. Be a leader in your community and consider switching to solar power today.