Reducing Your Carbon Footprint One Mile at a Time

Greenhouse gases (GHG) are the largest contributing factor to climate change, and the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that almost 27% of GHG emitted from the United States are caused by transportation. One way to green up your commute: opt for a hybrid or electric vehicle the next time you’re shopping for cars.

Electric v.s. Hybrid

The difference between electric and hybrid boils down to how the car is powered. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) only use an electric motor and a battery. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have both electric and gasoline-powered systems and typically have a range of 25 miles or so per electric charge before it switches to gas.  

A typical hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is similar to a PHEV in the sense that it has both an electric and gas-powered system, but the battery isn’t charged through an outlet. A typical gas-powered car creates energy in the form of heat when using the brakes, but HEVs can capture that energy to charge the battery. 

Different car manufacturers including Tesla, Ford, Chevrolet, and Toyota produce a variety of BEV and PHEV options and consumer demand is increasing pressure for more companies to ramp up production. Waitlists are stacking up in the wake of each new model introduced. As of July 2022, Ford had a waitlist with over 200,000 customers for the F-150 Lightning electric truck.  

Electric vehicle charging
Charging Station at Moose Hill

How and Where to Charge Your Vehicle

There are three speed levels to charge an EV. Level 1 (a regular household electric outlet) requires no upfront costs but is the slowest; it can take up to 50 hours for EVs and 6 hours for PHEV to fully charge.  

Level 2, which is most common for residential and public charging stations, can charge an EV in 4-10 hours and a PHEV in 1-2 hours. This level requires a 240-volt power supply for the car to plug into. If you aren’t sure if you have a 240-volt power outlet or if your grid is equipped for one, call you electrician for an assessment of your installation options.  

Level 3, direct current fast charging (DCFC), only takes up to 90 minutes to fully charge and is most commonly available along interstate highways. 

More and more towns and businesses are offering public charging either for free or at a minimal cost. You can even encourage your workplace to install a charger. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) offers several programs that make stations more accessible and the Workplace and Fleet initiative provides businesses in nonresidential areas with a 60% rebate for Level 1 or Level 2 EV charging equipment and installation. 

Electric vehicle charging
Charging Station at Boston Nature Center

How to Buy an EV

The Green Energy Consumers Alliance is a great resource for comparing EVs when shopping for a new vehicle. Their Drive Green site lists several dealers, prices, and charging specifics.   

Before picking out any model, don’t forget to explore potential rebates. Currently, EV buyers may be eligible for a $7,500 federal tax credit, and residents of Massachusetts that buy an EV for less than $55,000 from a licensed dealership in the Commonwealth may receive a state rebate of $3,500. Visit to learn how to apply and for other state and federal rebate programs. Rebates and credits are subject to change with new laws and legislation, like the recent signing of the Inflation Reduction Act.  

Electric vehicle charging
Charging Station at Moose Hill

EVs at Mass Audubon

Mass Audubon is hoping to build a fleet of EVs across the state. We currently own two EVs (Chevy Bolts) and are in the process of replacing additional sedans with EVs and PHEVs. We are also looking into the new electric pick-ups (e.g. the Ford Lightning or Chevy Silverado). 

In the meantime, we know many of our staff and sanctuary visitors already have EVs and PHEVs and need a place to charge while at our properties. We have 19 Level 2 charging stations available for visitors and staff located at 15 wildlife sanctuaries around the state, with each plug providing about 25 miles of driving range for every hour of charging time for an average EV.  The electricity powering the cars at all our sanctuaries is also sustainable, sourced from solar panels and other green resources.

To learn more about the myths and facts about owning an EV, visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Vehicle Guide

How to Tell a Garter from a Ribbon Snake

Sitting on a rock in the hot sun is a yellow-striped snake soaking in the sun. With only a glance before it slithers away, it’s hard to determine what type of snake it was. The yellow lining is a feature on both Eastern Garter Snakes and Eastern Ribbon Snakes. So how do you tell them apart? Learn more about how to differentiate these two reptiles. 

Eastern Garter Snake

Two garter snakes coming out of leaves on a plant
Eastern Garter Snakes © Michael Onyon

Sometimes mistakenly called a “garden snake,” garter snakes get their name from a female under garment, the garter belt. They sport long, yellow stripes down the length of their green, brown, or black bodies. Sometimes, their stripes are not well defined and appear to be more checkered than a prominent line.

Although they can get large with an average of about 20-22″ in length (and can grow up to 54″ long), there is no need to worry: garters are generally shy and avoid people. 

Garter Snake coiled in fallen leaves
Eastern Garter Snake

As one of the most common snakes, they can be found just about anywhere, including in gardens, forests, and parks. These snakes are so common, they’re even the Massachusetts state reptile.  

Eastern Ribbon Snake

Ribbon snake on a rock
Eastern Ribbon Snake © Kathy Diamontopoulos

Like the garter snake, ribbon snakes have long yellow stripes against their dark body, but there are a couple of key differences. Eastern Ribbon Snakes have a white mark just in front of the eye, which is absent in the garter snake. Additionally, ribbon snakes have a more slender body and longer tails, which account for about one-third of their bodies.

Ribbon snakes prefer to live near wetlands and waterbodies and can even be found swimming for food. They, too, are shy and nonvenomous, but typically harder to find.  

Ribbon snake moving through branches
Eastern Ribbon Snake © Danielle Rizzo

More Massachusetts Snakes

Ready to learn more about snakes? Visit our snake wildlife page to learn more about other species of snakes found in Massachusetts. If you come across a snake in your outdoor explorations, take a picture and tag us on Instagram or Facebook.