Category Archives: Advocacy

Action Alert: Migratory Birds at Risk

Osprey via USFWS

Osprey via USFWS

One of the oldest environmental laws in the U.S., the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) is the primary piece of legislation established to protect over 1,000 species of migratory birds and makes it illegal to harm them except under very specific circumstances. Now this crucial law is coming under attack.

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed an amendment in the FY2016 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill that would bar the Department of Justice from enforcing the MBTA, and a similar amendment could be brought up in the Senate. Halting enforcement would leave migratory birds vulnerable to all kinds of harm, from industrial activity to deliberate killing. If this amendment becomes law, it could set the cause of bird and wildlife conservation back decades.

Mass Audubon will be reaching out to U.S. Senators Warren and Markey, and we encourage you to do the same! Please urge our Senators to vote NO on any amendments threatening migratory birds that may come up when this bill is called to the floor.

You can take action easily through our friends at the American Bird Conservancy, or you can call directly using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Thank you for your advocacy!

A Environmental Report Card for Legislators

Wondering how your state legislators stack up when it comes to supporting environmental bills? Mass Audubon’s 27th Legislative Report Card is out now for the 2013-2014 session, scoring legislators based on their environmental roll call votes. The average score in the House was 94 percent, while the average score in the Senate was 92 percent.

Report Card

The Legislative Report Card is a compilation of the roll call votes taken by state legislators on environmental bills or funding measures. These votes are an objective way to evaluate their environmental performances. A legislator’s score does not represent an endorsement, or lack thereof, by Mass Audubon.

In 2013-2014, the House voted on 10 priority environmental roll calls (out of a total 505 roll calls). The Senate voted on 14 priority environmental roll calls (out of a total 492 roll calls). These included:

  • A $2.2 billion environmental bond, which provides funding for many crucial programs
  • Natural gas leak regulation improvements
  • Drinking water and wastewater infrastructure updates
  • Job creation through energy efficiency programs

Since 1985, Mass Audubon has compiled the environmental voting records of the Massachusetts Legislature to inform citizens of their state legislators’ performance. Legislators receive one point for voting in favor of environmental protection, and zero points for voting against environmental protection or for not voting at all.

Surveying legislators’ scores over the course of their tenure in office may produce a more comprehensive view of their commitment to environmental protection. Learn more about Mass Audubon’s legislative priorities.