Mass Audubon’s 2017 Photo Contest has officially begun!

2016 Grand Prize Winner: Harbor Seal Pup © Alex Shure
An underwater harbor seal pup.
A pileated woodpecker coming in for a landing.
Three boys diving into the water.
The sun setting over a marsh.
These are just a few of the photos that entranced the judges last year—and they can’t wait to see want you have in store for this year’s contest.
If you have photographs taken in Massachusetts (or at Mass Audubon’s Wildwood camp in New Hampshire) that show off everything from wildlife to scenic landscapes to people enjoying the wonders of nature, we want to see them!
The contest runs through September 30, 2017.
Every month we’ll highlight some of the entries on our Facebook page. Until then, happy snapping!
P.S. Please note the contest submission guidelines have changed. Find out more >