Category Archives: Get Involved

Action Alert: Blue Hills Trailside Museum Needs Your Help

Blue HillsUpdate 7/30 part 2: Great news! The Senate has also voted to override the veto meaning funding has been restored. Thank you!

Update 7/30: Good news! The House voted to override the veto of Trailside! Now on to the Senate…

We need your help! Governor Baker recently eliminated funding for Blue Hills Trailside Museum in Milton. This means that Trailside has no operating funds authorized for 2016.

The Blue Hills Trailside Museum is the gateway for the 7,000 acre Blue Hills Reservation. It is a state-owned facility that opened in 1959 and has been managed by Mass Audubon for the Commonwealth since 1974.

Through Trailside, Mass Audubon welcomes more than 200,000 visitors a year to the Blue Hills Reservation; provides environmental education to more than 200 schools; and offers universally accessible nature trails, including sensory trails for the visually impaired.

In order to continue to successfully attract and educate citizens and visitors to our state, it is imperative that Blue Hills Trailside Museum continue to be funded annually in the state operating budget.

Please contact your local representative and senator by Wednesday July 29 and ask them to support an override of the governor’s veto of funding for the Blue Hills Trailside Museum in the FY2016 Budget, account 2810-0100.

Thank you for your support!

Make Your Summer Count

© Justin Miel

© Justin Miel

The flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and butterflies are fluttering—it’s a wonderful time to explore the great outdoors!

Get reacquainted with a favorite walking trail. Be dazzled by returning ruby-throated hummingbirds. Explore by canoe or kayak to enjoy a new perspective. Savor delicious produce from local farms. You’ll find all of these seasonal opportunities and more at Mass Audubon.

However you plan to enjoy the outdoors, you can make a difference by donating today. With your support we can do even more to protect the nature of Massachusetts for people and wildlife.

How You Can Help

Land – 35,000 acres of forests, fields, beaches, and meadows from the Berkshires to the Cape and Islands for you to enjoy. Your support will enable us to preserve more important land from development.

Wildlife – 150-plus endangered and threatened native species, such as the eastern box turtle and the bald eagle, call these lands home. You can help to protect them by making a gift today.

People – 225,000 children and adults connect with nature annually through our programs, camps, and special events. Your donation will help us grow our education programs and reach new audiences.

We would not be able to achieve so much without you. Thank you!