Monthly Archives: February 2014

Have you received your silver envelope?

If you’re a Boston Globe print or digital subscriber (or know someone who is), you can help Mass Audubon get free advertising in the Globe through their GRANT (Globe Readers and Nonprofits Together) program. (The Worcester Telegram & Gazette’s version is called TOUCH.)

Here’s what to do:

  1. Look for the silver envelope that says “Gift voucher for your favorite nonprofit enclosed.”
  2. Open it and pull out the “check” for either $50 or $100.
  3. Write Mass Audubon, 208 South Great Road, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 01773
  4. Mail the check back to the Boston Globe using the envelope provided by March 1.

Why Choose Mass Audubon?

By designating us as your preferred nonprofit, you can help us spread the word about the vital work we are doing in the fields of:

  • Land conservation (for people and wildlife to enjoy)
  • Wildlife protection (relocating snowy owls, tracking monarchs, creating habitat for spadefoot toads)
  • Nature education (kids playing outside while learning at the same time)
  • Environmental advocacy (protecting endangered species, planning sustainable development)
  • And more!

Thank you for considering us!

Your friends at Mass Audubon