Category Archives: Education

Drumlin Farm Crops Update Vol. 2

by Crops Manager Matt Celona

April Showers vs. Last Summer’s Drought

Of late, several people have asked how many inches of rain we’ve been getting in all these storms. “Thankfully, enough,” I tell them. Enough for us to think about things other than putting out the rain gauge to measure our rising level of anxiety as precipitation dwindles! Let’s not do that again until we have to. And what did all our worrying during last year’s drought amount to? The crops that could thrive in the drought did so, while other crops suffered. We had done our best by way of caring for the soil, fallowing fields and building soil organic matter, and we continue our commitment to this system.

Chickens on the Move

Thanks to the efforts of Livestock Manager Caroline and her assistant Alyssa, we’ve now introduced chickens into our fallowing plan so as to further improve the soil. You’ll see two mobile chicken tractors in the resting field near the entrance to Boyce. Our hens are eating insects and helping limit pest pressure while also processing the clover we planted there two seasons ago. Hopefully sheep will follow hens in the field and further enliven the soil.

Greens, Greens, and More Greens

So while we’re not worrying about water, we are thinking a lot about how to get the greens to grow faster in this cool weather so as to supply chefs, the Union Square Farmers Market in Somerville and our new spring CSA program.  Early lettuce and spinach are on the cusp of being ready for harvest, so this past Saturday, Josh, Will and I hand-weeded to make future harvests more efficient.

While we were killing weeds on Saturday, Sarah, Laura, and Avril were killing it at market. Nice work market team! Last year, Sarah introduced the market loyalty program for Somerville patrons. It’s a version of CSA where a customer commits money up front in return for a discount on produce and flowers. Sarah also experimented with bringing lots of greenhouse-grown microgreens to that first market, and they were a big hit.

Killdeer in the Field

In birding news, we’ve marked two killdeer nests that really good parent birds brought to our attention. In both cases, a parent aggressively marched toward the approaching tractor instead of just leaping up at the crucial final moment, as is more often the case. Two days after noting the nests, we saw six hatchlings scurrying around. We assume that must be the result of an additional two nests because we’ve never seen more than four eggs in one nest. But we have no idea where they came from. The parents are still sitting on the two nests they helped us identify.

Perhaps by next week, the mystery will be solved.

See you in the field,

Your Farmers

7 Things To Do at Drumlin Farm: May 12–19

Katrin Roush

Don’t let this weekend’s grey skies block your view of what looks to be a spring-tastic forecast for next week. We have things for you to do while you’re staying cozy at home (Especially on Sunday. Yikes.) and when you finally emerge next week.

7 Things to Do at Drumlin Farm this Week

1. As you watch the rain (and favorite Netflix/HBO/Amazon/Hulu series) plan ahead for our Summer Concert Series. With Katrin Roush, Damn Tall Buildings, and Lula Wiles lined up to play at the farm this summer, tickets are sure to sell fast!

2. While you’re multitasking, sign up for our Summer CSA. Here’s the math on that: $33.75 per week for enough sustainably farmed veggies to feed a family of four. Take that, Whole Paycheck.

3. Be a farmer for a day and learn how we keep our livestock happy in this family favorite: Afternoon Chores and More. Pro tip: Bring rain gear and be prepared to puddle hop.

4. Take advantage of the first sunny, warm day in who-knows-how-long during our Tuesday Evening Birding excursion. It starts at 5:30, so chances are the sunset will be epic.

5. Meet our new kids! They. Are. So. Cute.

6. Fact: Spring allergies are a drag. Fact: There are herbs that can help. Take our Aromatherapy & Tinctures class and blend your own essential oils to fight the itchy eyes and sniffles.

7. Fingers crossed that the sunshine holds up through next Friday, because our first Friday Evening Hayride and Campfire is at 4:00! If you can’t make it by 4:00, there’s another one at 6:00.

Drumlin Farm Crops Update: Welcome, New Farmers!

by Crops Manager Matt Celona

Welcome, New Farmers!

We have new farmers to introduce to you! Beginning Farmers Avril and Will, as well as part-time Fieldworkers Andrew and Laura. And welcome back to Sarah and Josh!

Avril studied computer science as an undergraduate and graduate at MIT before working in text analytics for four years. She had been volunteering with gardening and food access organizations for the past two years before deciding to give crop production a try. Avril will be assisting Josh with all aspects of sales to chefs.

Will is a recent graduate of Colby College. He was working as an intern at Merrill Lynch before deciding to invest more deeply (yep) in farming. Will had spent all of his high school summers working at the Food Project with Tim Laird, former Crops Manager here at Drumlin, so he is already familiar with some of the systems Tim put in place here years ago.  Sarah will be relying on Will for help coordinating our CSA programs.

Andrew recently graduated from Hobart College where he majored in environmental studies. He is passionate about sustainability, and his most recent job was assessing energy management systems for companies looking to reduce their carbon footprints. Andrew will be helping us on our busiest harvest days.

Laura is a glass fabrication artist and graduate of the Mass College of Art. She has a vision of having her own farm one day, and, in addition to helping with harvests, she will be organizing the Friday flower harvest and making bouquets at market.

I feel really lucky to be working with this group of talented and dedicated people. Thanks, all, for your great work!

Volunteers Already Putting In Hours

Over the past several days we’ve focused on planting onions and are about to finish the marathon in record time—only 3 of the 65 trays remain!  We’ve been getting lots of help from high school seniors who are doing service projects with us—many thanks to them!

Volunteers from National Grid were the first to help us in the field this past Thursday. On that cool and rainy-ish day, the job was to rescue baby carrots from a carpet of weeds—not an easy task in the best of conditions. But as is most often the case, the volunteers seemed thrilled to be outside and willing to keep working in the conditions.

Volunteer Fred Costanza has been maintaining equipment, mowing roadways and field edges, and plowing a new section of the Van Leer field. Thank you, Fred!

Union Square Farmers Market Opens Saturday

Our first big harvest is this coming Friday ahead of the first Union Square Farmers Market on Saturday. We hope to see you on opening day!

Your Farmers

When Students Become Leaders

We hear it almost every day: Our kids are our future. But what does that mean? What does that look like? And when does a common phrase become a sign of action?

For our TREES (Teens Representing Environmental Excellency and Stewardship) students, that phrase is just one of the many ways to describe what they do during this after-school program at Lowell High School.

On Saturday, March 11, TREES students hosted their first-ever Youth Environmental Conference, inviting teens from the Merrimack River Watershed in Massachusetts to meet, talk, learn, and share ideas about how they can work together to protect the Merrimack River watershed.

“We felt that a conference would be the best setting, giving students an opportunity to meet, share their work, and learn more about our watershed,” said Sarah Silva, TREES student and Lowell High School senior.

Sally Farrow, Drumlin Farm Teacher Naturalist and TREES coordinator, has watched these students grow and learn over the last four years.

“From start to finish, the students led the Youth Environmental Conference,” she said. “We’ve had them since they were freshmen, so we’re witnessing this growth—and that was so inspiring to see. This is what gives me hope.”

To open the conference, TREES students hosted a Jeopardy game to get everyone in the mood for the day’s workshops: Urban Open Spaces, Environmental Careers, Pollution, and Water Testing. Among the workshop leaders was Dai Kim of Mill City Grows, who shared his experience with us:

“The world needs more educators, believers, dreamers, and leaders, and what the Youth Environmental Conference did for me has reinstated my believe that we’re going to be all right.”

Participating in the conference was Concord Carlisle High SchoolGroundwork Lawrence Green Team, Lowell High School Compass W.I.L.D. program, and Girls Go Green from YWCA Lowell.

We would like to thank Lowell High School for hosting this event, and of course to the TREES students! To learn more about our TREES program, contact Sally Farrow: [email protected].

Drumlin Farm Friday to Friday: April 7–14

Now that you’ve had a chance to stay cozy all winter long, it’s time to get out there and explore the changing seasons. So put your hot cocoa back in the cabinet and take a look at our programs coming up this week.

Friday, April 7

Froggy Night Walk | Family | 7 pm
Spring is the time for the evening froggy chorus – who makes that peep-peep-peep? Who has that banjo twang? We’ll take a stroll listening and looking for these nighttime singers.

Saturday, April 8

Birding Basics Field Trip | Adult | 8 am
A fantastic introduction to all of our spring birding programs.

Teen Birders: Eyes on Birds | Teen | 9 am
Learn about bird photography and cover the basics of birding as we get ready for spring migration season.

Sourdough Bread Making | Adult | 1 pm
Learn the age old tradition of sourdough bread making in this hands-on workshop.

Wednesday, April 12

Frog Prince | Family | 3:30 pm
Join us as we tell the tale of The Frog Prince and search ponds and pools for amphibian royalty.

Thursday, April 13

Thursday Morning Bird Walk | Adult | Time TBD
Join us as we explore Drumlin Farm and other local hotspots in search of late-winter and early spring birds. Call 781-259-2200, ext. BIRD (2473) the Wednesday before each program for a recorded listing of the exact time and location

For all of our upcoming programs, visit


2017 Report: Maple Sugaring at Drumlin Farm

Information provided by Sarah Lang, Assistant Farmer

Maple sugaring season has come to a close!

The Numbers

Length of season: 4 weeks
Sap collected: 400 gallons
Syrup produced: 6 gallons
Sap-to-syrup ratio: 67:1

Length of season: 7 weeks
Sap collected: 1300 gallons
Syrup produced: 21.3 gallons
Sap-to-syrup ratio: 61:1

Things to note

  • The normal range for sap-to-syrup ratios is 40–50:1. Last year, Drumlin Farm’s sap-to-syrup ratio was also higher than normal. This is likely due to abnormally warm and erratic weather patterns, which had a big influence on the sugar content of our sap.
  • We tapped about half the amount of trees as we normally do this season to give some of our maple trees a rest.

We’d like to thank our staff and volunteers for helping the sugaring season run smoothly. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Lang: [email protected].

There are limited quantities of maple syrup available for purchase at the Drumlin Farm admissions window. Grab one on your next visit!


Woolapalooza 2017: That’s a Wrap!

We have another Woolapalooza in the books!

While we didn’t get a triplet birth like last year (much to Farmer Caroline’s relief, we’re sure), this year’s Woolapalooza was a huge success. The day started off with a touch of rain, but that didn’t stop more than 1,000 visitors of all ages from lining up for our annual sheep-shearing festival.

Here are some highlights from the day:

Kevin Ford shearing all of our adult sheep.


Learning and crafting along the Sheep-to-Sweater Trail


Talented fiber artisans from all over Massachusetts.


Delicious food.


Skillful sheep herding.


And of course, the stars of the show: Our lambs!


Thank you to all of our volunteers, vendors, sponsors, and staff for another great Woolapalooza. We hope to see you again next year!

Drumlin Farm Friday to Friday: February 10–17

We at the farm love this time of year. The farmyard is tranquil during the day, but meanwhile, we’re cooking up classes and workshops for folks of all ages to enjoy everything that New England’s nature has to offer.

We have programs nearly every day this week, so we hope you can make it to at least one!

Friday, February 10

Own Moon | Family | 7 pm
Search for wild owls by the light of February’s “Owl Moon,” then warm up inside and enjoy a visit from one of our resident owls. Listen to the beloved Owl Moon by Jane Yolen.

Saturday, February 11

Backyard Sugaring | Adult | 9 am
Turn your backyard trees into syrup producers! Join us to learn how to make your own syrup.

Teen Birders: South Shore Hotspots | Teen | 9 am
Cumberland Fields, Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary, and Duxbury Beach are some of the locations we will visit in our search to find rough legged hawks, canvasbacks, snow buntings, purple sandpipers, and many more.

Wonders of Wool: Needle Felting | Adult | 1 pm
This introductory class will familiarize you with basic needle felting tools and techniques. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you catch on as you create and personalize a felted creation of your own!

Sunday, February 12

In Search of Winter Raptors | Adult | 9 am
We will explore the Merrimack River, Plum Island, and Salisbury State Park. We will take time to closely observe these raptors and discuss the adaptations that allow them to survive winter.

Chickadee Birders: Songbirds | Family | 1 pm
Songbirds are unique because of their beautiful melodies and delightful colors. In this class you will meet some of Drumlin’s resident songbirds such as a cedar waxwing and a blue jay.

Wildlife Biologist Club | Teen | 1 pm
Explore habitats and ecosystems at Drumlin Farm and around the state while learning about native wildlife. Sign up for the remaining four sessions at a pro-rated cost!

Tuesday, February 14

Owl Always Love Ewe | Family | 3:30 pm
It’s Valentine’s Day! What would Ewe want? Let’s visit with the sheep and make some wooly valentines. Perhaps Owl could teach us a love song to woo someone special.

Wednesday, February 15

Winter Wonders: Have a Cow | Family | 11 am
Explore the farm and sanctuary in winter!

Fermented Beverages: Kombucha, Shrubs, and More | Adults | 6:30 pm
This class will focus on non-alcoholic fermentation with a particular focus on fermented teas, which have been a staple in many cultures for over 2,000 years.

For all of our upcoming programs, visit

Drumlin Farm Friday to Friday: February 3–10

With Ms. G’s forecast behind us, it’s time to look ahead! After all, what’s winter in New England without maple sugaring and woolly adventures?

Take a look at what’s in store:

Friday, February 3

Stew and Brew | Adults | 6:30 pm
Feast on hearty stews made with Drumlin Farm meat and produce (including a vegetarian option!) as you imbibe on local brews from Rapscallion, Jack’s Abby, and Peak Organic.

Wednesday, February 8

Winter Wonders: Winter Coats | Family | 11 am
Feed hay to the sheep with their fluffy winter coats!

Thursday, February 9

Pigs and Blankets | Family | 10 am
We will explore pigs and blankets, taking care of the sheep as well and make a wee little blanket to take home.

In Search of Winter Raptors: Lecture | Adult | 7 pm
The lecture will cover physical and behavioral traits to help us identify hawks and owls. On the field trip, we will explore the Merrimack River, Plum Island, and Salisbury State Park.

Friday, February 10

Own Moon | Family | 7 pm
Search for wild owls by the light of February’s “Owl Moon,” then warm up inside and enjoy a visit from one of our resident owls. Listen to the beloved Owl Moon by Jane Yolen.

For all of our upcoming programs, visit

Drumlin Farm Friday to Friday: January 20–27

When the winter weather really starts to settle in, it’s tough for anyone to want to get outside and explore. Frozen toes, layer upon layer, and chattering teeth all start to take a toll.

Trust us, we know how you feel. That’s why our upcoming programs offer just the right amount of outdoor exposure and indoor coziness to get you in the mood for winter.

Friday, January 20

Wild by the Fire | Family | 3:30 pm
Meet furry and feathered creatures and learn how they survive in the snow. We’ll make a sweet treat for the birds and warm up with cocoa and cookies. Winter days are dark and cold, but it’s cozy by the fire!

Saturday, January 21

Sourdough Bread Making | Adults | 1 pm
Learn the age-old tradition of sourdough bread making in this hands-on workshop. Practice each step of the bread making process as we mix, knead, and shape bakery-quality loaves to taste and take home.

Chickadee Birders | Family | 6:30 pm
We’ll hike through the woods in search of owls that live in the habitats of our sanctuary—great-horned, barred, and screech. Afterwards, we’ll move indoors for a close look at our resident owls of the same species.

Tuesday, January 24

Kids in the Kitchen | Family | 10 am
Harvest ripe vegetables from the garden and cook up tasty treats. We’ll collect eggs from our chickens for baking projects and chop veggies from the garden or root cellar to make a variety of dishes.

Wednesday, January 25

Winter Wonders: Who’s Sleepy? | Family | 11 am
Explore the farm and sanctuary in winter! Feed hay to the sheep with their fluffy winter coats. Follow tracks in the snowy fields to see where they go. Make a winter “tweet” for the birds and meet native wildlife.

Thursday, January 26

On the Rise! | Family | 10 am
Mix, knead, and shape your dough for delicious country oat bread. While it rises and bakes, we’ll make butter to spread on your warm, oven-fresh bread.

For all of our upcoming programs, visit