Session 6, still just as great!

It’s always a good time to be at Wildwood, but August is a particularly special time. The mild weather, and the thought of school approaching means that we can really soak in the great times we’re having here.

Sailing is always a popular choice for campers who want to learn a new skill and soak in the beauty of Hubbard Pond in a unique way. Campers on Wednesday put their skills to the test after learning the basics on Tuesday.

Some campers elected to have a high-ropes adventure on Wednesday as well. They challenged themselves on the Dangle Duo, a great element that combines individual courage with partner team building.

Wednesday was also a “Bad Hair Day” lunch. Check out some of the wild styles that made their way down to lunch. The LITs also had their own adventure as they traveled to the Path of Life Garden in Vermont.

Now off to enjoy our last two full days of overnight camp. See you Saturday!

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