We are extremely excited to display a selection of art from our third annual juried youth bird art exhibition. All artwork will appear in this series of posts. This annual exhibition is open to any children and young adults age 4 to 18 years old. All selected entries will be on display at the Museum of American Bird Art from November 10, 2018 to March 30, 2019. Entries for our fourth annual exhibition will open in January 2019 and close in June 2019.
Come see the artwork on display at the Museum of American Bird Art by appointment or during 3 open houses:
January 26, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
February 23, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
Flamingo, Sabrina Puccio, Age 16
I recently started sketching flamingos after finding some old family photos taken at a zoo’s bird exhibit. Flamingos quickly became a new favorite bird of mine to draw, which is why I decided to enter this piece.
Northern Mockingbirds, Iris Rosenhagen, Age 13
A famous bird, Lady Bird Johnson, once said, “Encourage & support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.” Every year, I watch our neighborhood family of mockingbirds raise their young. What stands out most in my mind about Northern Mockingbirds are what remarkable parents they are. Because the fledglings are brought up with so much care, generation after generation grows up to be such supportive parents themselves. The mockingbird parents are protective, nurturing, and they belive in their kids. I’m grateful that my own parents share these values. But I think I’m even more grateful that my parents don’t regurgitate bugs into my mouth. In all seriousness, I like to consider Northern Mockingbirds a symbol of how every parent should be.
Owl Dreaming, Kai Choat, Age 7
Owls are nocturnal, beautiful and mysterious birds.
Cockatiel Perching, Lilia Mustopa, Age 6
Cockatiels are one of my favorite birds because of their red blush. It is a cockatiel in a pine tree and it is almost night time. I cut the bird out because I didn’t like one of my bird drawings and this one is nicer. There is a pink flower and it has falling out of a tree. For the background, I blended the colors and used salt.
Resting Seagull, Isaiah Hunt, Age 6
I love going to the beach and running with the seagulls. When I heard of the art contest I thought they were the perfect bird to draw.