We are extremely excited to display a selection of art from our third annual juried youth bird art exhibition. All artwork will appear in this series of posts. This annual exhibition is open to any children and young adults age 4 to 18 years old. All selected entries will be on display at the Museum of American Bird Art from November 10, 2018 to March 30, 2019. Entries for our fourth annual exhibition will open in January 2019 and close in June 2019.
Come see the artwork on display at the Museum of American Bird Art by appointment or during 3 open houses:
January 26, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
February 23, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
March 23, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Caroline Pollan, Age 13
Hummingbirds are one of my favorite birds not only because they are beautiful, but they can fly unlike any other bird. They are incredibly fast despite their size, so fast that I’ve never been able to take a picture of one. That’s why I painted one of these amazing birds – to try to capture the joy of seeing a hummingbird.
Gentoo at Home, Samantha Taylor, Age 9
Gentoo penguins are my favorite bird. I love how they have such bright orange beaks and feet. I think it’s very interesting how the patterns on their feathers change from being grey and black fluffball babies to 24-inch black, white, and orange adults. The dots and shapes around their eyes are especially cool. They also build interesting nests out of grass and rocks, hunt for food in the water, and waddle around with their young as they grow up. I created this particular image of a Gentoo penguin because the baby is on the parent’s feet. It shows a perfect impression of what a Gentoo penguin family might look like while waiting for family time, lunch or dinner. I also like how the landscape changes from stones galore to a sandy beach to a deep blue ocean to a cloudy sky.
Peacock, Lucy Modern, Age 7
I drew a peak because they have beautiful puffy tails.