We are extremely excited to display a selection of art from our third annual juried youth bird art exhibition. All artwork will appear in this series of posts. This annual exhibition is open to any children and young adults age 4 to 18 years old. All selected entries will be on display at the Museum of American Bird Art from November 10, 2018 to March 30, 2019. Entries for our fourth annual exhibition will open in January 2019 and close in June 2019.
Come see the works on display at the Museum of American Bird Art by appointment or during 3 open houses
January 26, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
February 23, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
March 23, 2019 from 12 to 2 pm
Rosy-faced Lovebirds, Kendall Winston, Age 13
When I first saw a picture of these Rosy-Faced Lovebirds I thought “how beautiful!” I just love how the picture was taken and I knew I wanted to make it my own and turn it into a piece of art. This is a very social bird that generally lives in southwestern Africa. They live to be about 15 years old and they grow to be about 7 inches tall. I loved learning about this beautiful bird!
After the Rain, London Peterson, Age 14
I love birds with personality, and I think that the house sparrow has some of the most character of any bird. It is a numerous, everyday bird that is often overlooked, but if time is taken to study the house sparrow, many interesting things can be discovered about its behavior. I have spent many delightful hours watching the house sparrow. It is such a common bird that I don’t even have to go out of my backyard to see it. In my painting, I wanted to show the beauty of this unique bird, one of my favorites in the bird family.
Golden Pheasant, Study No. 3, Kaiya Smits, Age 8
I like the Golden Pheasant because it is such a colorful and pretty bird. The Golden Pheasant can be found in China. Boy Golden Pheasants are colorful to attract girl Golden Pheasants. They are terrible at flying. But good at running. They eat tiny reptiles, seeds, and grubs.
The Swordfish Bird with Salmon Flowers,
Antonio Cortez Marques, Age 14
This swordfish bird comes from my imagination. I love bright colours, therefore I chose a mixture of colours which is somewhat unreal. I always liked attracting birds and animals. Usually, I like birds with long crests.