Spring Beauty

Your blogger has been enjoying the bird migration and wildflower show in Crete, the southernmost point in Greece leading a MassAudubon Natural History Tour.  Highlights included European bee-eaters arriving from Africa and native orchids and tulips in bloom.  Cretedoc.gr interviewed me for a piece on ecotourism to show that the island has more to offer than beautiful beaches.

cretedoc.gr (320x240)


Meanwhile, at home, spring is in full swing.

Eastern bluebirds have adopted 5 nest boxes and 25 eggs have been laid to date.  Only one nest box has tree swallow eggs, but they typically nest later than bluebirds.  Look for males with dark blue feather and females with pale blue feathers near the nest boxes.

Bluebird male (320x213)

In the woods, red-backed salamanders, one of the most abundant species are seeking moist spots under cover.

Red-backed salamander (320x213)

The former sawmill dam can overflow after heavy spring rain, forming a waterfall.

Waterfall (320x213)

Underwater, pond lily leaves are reaching toward the surface.

Lily pad underwater (320x213)

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