May: It’s All About Birds

Mass Audubon’s Birdathon May 15-16 was a grand success by any measure.  Broadmoor’s team – more than 80 people in 32 groups – stayed close to home, minimized our carbon footprint, involved lots of new families and individuals, and got everyone outside on a beautiful day to focus on nature.

Bald Eagle

Bald eagles were seen by 6 teams.  The total list for the sanctuary was 186 species.  To date, $9,491 have been donated to support Broadmoor’s Team, a phenomenal record and much appreciated this year in particular. 

A quote from one team summed it up:   As you can see we rose to the challenge of birding locally and on foot and had the best time doing it together.

Plans are in progress to reopen trails to visitors and we can’t wait to welcome you.  Meanwhile, the box nesting birds have been busy.  Of the 55 nest boxes 45 have been occupied.  One brood of Eastern bluebirds hatched and left the nest.  The parents are already on a second clutch.

Eastern bluebird nestlings about to fledge and trying to be invisible

These Eastern bluebird nestlings are almost fully feathered and about to fledge.  The nearest one couldn’t resist a peek to see who was opening the nestbox.

Nestboxes are visited only once a week to record data as part of long term monitoring spanning more than 30 years.

So far this year, 165 eggs have been laid by tree swallows, Eastern bluebirds and house wrens. 

All of us at Broadmoor wish you good health and lots of time exploring nature.  Please visit our website for updates on trail reopening.

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