Campout Weekend and a Special Hello to Fiona

Wow, the first week flew by! With lots of great activities and terrific weather, I can’t believe we’re just about halfway through Session 1 already.

First off, the trekkers arrived back on camp after an exciting week at Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor Maine. They hiked and biked and kayaked, seeing the area from all angles. Among their sightings were seals and bald eagles while they worked with naturalists in the kayaks and National Park Service Rangers on the trails. They cooked their food over the campfire and enjoyed the company of the group. Next we’re onto the Bike and Beach Trek, headed to Cape Cod and Nantucket. They’ll arrive tomorrow.

Our Junior Counselors have also had a wonderful first week. They’ve been assisting all over camp – with camp groups, in the kitchen, and at various program areas. They are a great bunch and are extremely helpful too!

Our LITs are also all over camp and offsite too, working on a number of various conservation and service projects. Tomorrow, they’re headed to a conservation property here in Rindge, where they will help develop a campsite with the Conservation Commission. Here are 20 teens looking to learn more about leadership, while making a terrific mark on the Wildwood program.

Both the Dillard and Abbey Units left for the Mt. Monadnock overnight on Friday afternoon and the report is they had a really great day for heading up the mountain today. They’ll be back to tell us more tomorrow morning.

Also on Friday, the Carson and Fossey girls units headed out to 1st and 2nd Points with sleeping bags in hand. They had a blast, swimming, playing games, cooking over the fire, and sleeping in smaller tents together. Friday night was boys night in and they found a way to get ice cream and a movie! They spent the day in the field and the waterfront enjoying having the whole camp to themselves.

Tonight, these two groups have switched and the guys headed out to the points, while the girls are already in PJs watching a movie in the dining hall. I’ll bet they’ll figure out how to wrangle some ice cream as well!

Lastly, we want to say a special hello to Fiona! We hope you are feeling better and will be joining us again soon. All of the Carson girls miss you and wanted to make sure you knew that!

Here’s some pictures from the last coupe of days, and there are more on the way. I’ll be back again by Tuesday with another update and some more pictures. Enjoy! Bob