Tilly’s Calf has Arrived!

On November 18th, Drumlin Farm welcomed the newest farmyard addition- a bull calf!  Our farm staff arrived that morning to find him in the Red Barn with two of our other cows, Jane, a five-year old American Lineback cow, and a one-year old Brown Swiss X Devon steer. The calf is now in the sheep and goat barn, where staff are diligently caring for him while he adjusts to his surroundings before he moves back with the larger cow herd. If you see him and he is close enough, give him a gentle pat on the back!
calf 1 smallOur calf is a purebred Dexter, which is a breed known for its calm disposition and utility for both dairy and beef.  Dexters are a Heritage breed, which means they have a long history in the United States, but are endangered due to recent farming practices. The birth of this calf is a proud moment for our conservation efforts!
Calf 2 smallCome by to help us welcome our calf, or join us for programs like Winter Farm Family or Old MacDrumlin’s Farm to encounter the calf, the other cows, and the rest of our animals all winter long with fun activities!