Community Preschool Science Explorations

Science ExperimentsAt Drumlin Farm, we believe that a hands-on, nature-based approach to learning for people of all ages is the most effective, and the Drumlin Farm Community Preschool takes this practice to heart. As children ages 3 to 5 explore the fields, forests, wetlands, and farmyard at the sanctuary, they build skills in language and math, fine and gross motor abilities, self-confidence, and DSC_1204cooperation with peers, all while having fun!

Preschoolers recently participated in several science experiments in the greenhouse. Children planted seeds and explored different growing conditions to determine which methods produced the best results. Experiments included light versus dark/wet versus dry conditions for grass, snap pea, DSC_1203tomato, and potato seedlings. In addition to these growth variables, children used several types of containers (milk cartons, egg cartons, egg shells) to tenderly hold their creations, learning the value of reusing and recycling various materials.

“As a mother, I am delighted to see the children come up the hill after their morning DSC_1202of exploring Drumlin Farm. Whether their cheeks are smudged from play in the dirt, or have a rosy tint from the winter wind, I feel lucky to have found such a wonderful place for my children to grow,” reflects one parent.

Join this community of sprouting minds and bodies. Afternoon sessions are still available at Drumlin Farm Community Preschool for the 2013-2014 school year. Visit our website for more information, download an application, and come to our spring Open House, Saturday, April 27, from 10:00 am to noon to glimpse the magic of our preschool program.