Weekly Roundup October 14

It's already mid-October and all I have to show for foliage around the farm is this… One sad wet leaf!

I'll be on the lookout for more color in the coming weeks, though it seems that many of the trees that usually put on a great show have lost a lot of their leaves, or have turned brown already. How's the foliage in your neck of the woods?

The real color is still at our farmstand. The mix of gourds and pumpkins, the deep colors of the last of the hardy greens, and sturdy purple onions.


Here's a quick photo of one of the junior egg mobile residents. I suspect I snapped a photo of a weather check, "hey still raining out there?"

Those of you with kiddos in tow have probably realized that we've begun some construction on the farm. Cool tractors!

We're building a new barn here, to give us a bit more flexibility. Once it goes up you may see calves, lambs, or goats there, and it will be right a the bottom of the big entrance hill. We owe a huge thank you to our donors, Dick and Marian Thornton, The Claneil Foundation, and The Red Acre Foundation.

Our new calves continue to do well. They look like night and day.
Here's calf #2.


And here's calf #1 who looks like she's wearing a wool coat!

Calf 1

Last weekend's fantastically warm weather brought big crowds for our October Harvest Days. This weekend is the last of our October Harvest weekends. We're featuring pick-your-own potatoes. We'll change gears after the weekend, and start preparing for Tales of the Night, our Halloween event!

And as many of you may have seen on our Facebook page we're expecting a new Drumlin Farm resident soon. Here's a photo of the staff prepping the enclosure. Any guesses of what it might be?

Prepping the enclosure

And on a final, and very important note, Mass Audubon has just released the State of the Birds report. There's good news and not so good news, but it's all important news, and I'm willing to bet you'll learn a lot. Read the report and explore the data on our website.