Friday on the Farm

There’s never a dull minute here on the farm. Between our new barn, and exciting new interactive exhibit in the learning garden, and the always entertaining antics of the critters it has been a busy week.

The new barn is looking fabulous. The crew was working on the cupola yesterday. I wonder what kind of weathervane it will have.

Tip top of the new Crossroads barn.

The new structure in our Learning Garden is taking shape.

The goal of this new exhibit is to help visitors get excited and about food and where it comes from. Kids will be able to “harvest” a three-foot beet, climb through an underground tunnel, drive the tractor to market, and follow a tomato from farm to fork.  It’s late in the season so the giant veggies that it will display may only make a brief appearance this season before they head to the root cellar, but come visit when it’s open and look for the giant earthworm!

New interactive exhibit in the learning garden.

There’s a beautiful trellis on the side of the structure. Look for it to be in full bloom next summer.

Top of the new structure in the learning garden.

Out in the pasture the cows were enjoying the sun. Looks like someone’s the odd man out.

Cows in the pasture.

And right next door, the piglets. They never seem to all sleep facing one direction. It’s always some sort of odd arrangement like here, a group of one, a group of two, and then a group of three—all smushed together  for optimum comfort!

Piglets in a pig pile.

Today it sure feels like winter, but even when we think it’s dark and cold I found something growing, a little grass growing right out of a straw bale left in a sunny spot.

And a final parting thought. Not many visitors venture out to the fields this time of year, but it’s really beautiful, a wide open space to see the sky.

Dusk at Drumlin Farm.

There’s also something about the dormancy of the fields that’s amazing – so much potential, and so peaceful.