Musings From a Sidewalk Explorer

Ms. Patti, one of our educators who has been teaching preschool and kindergarten aged children at Moose Hill for 25 years, continues her daily walks around her neighborhood and shares what she sees and a few fun activities and resources for you.

Neither rain nor snow nor heat nor gloom of night will keep me from my daily walk. While I wait for the heat to arrive (and the snow to depart…really?!) I am reminded of the adage: there is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing choices. This spring has put my wardrobe to the ultimate test, as just when you think it’s safe to put the winter apparel away, it snows (again, really?!)! My rain coat has had a workout as well, including one walk where rain turned to sleet and I watched it bounce off my sleeves. This was the walk that confirmed that I need to invest in some rain pants.  

I hope the weather doesn’t deter you from venturing outside. In full disclosure, I did stay in during a couple of rainy days when it was raining sideways, and also thought it prudent to stay in the day it was so windy that it blew over a tree and the power went out. So, I hope you will explore nature no matter what the weather, within reason. Here’s a few ideas of what to do: 

Let us know how you celebrated spring’s ever-changing weather.  Be well and stay safe!

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