4 responses

  1. jeri moran
    April 20, 2018

    i would like very much to participate in the eastern meadowlark survey. i went to the list of sites and chose #100 sunderland but it would not let me write in my name. so i decide that maybe that was because i hadn’t yet joined so i tried to sign up but it would not accept my password. i tried several times being very careful to write it the same but no luck. if someone could help me with this i would be glad to monitor the sunderland site.
    thank you, jeri moran


    • William Freedberg
      April 21, 2018

      Hi Jeri,

      Sorry about this– the signup list should be fixed now!



  2. Jean Rogers, Chief Ranger
    April 19, 2018

    Please send a pdf poster on meadow lark search so I post a Fresh Pond Reservation in Cambridge.

    We have lots of birders who can help.


  3. Jean Rogers, Chief Ranger
    April 19, 2018

    I’d be happy to post a pdf poster of your request to find meadow larks at Fresh Pond Reservation in Cambridge where we have many birders.


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