The Bees and the Bees

It’s well known that bee populations are on the decline. In his New York Magazine article “The Blight of the Honey Bee,” writer David Wallace-Wells states that populations have died off as much as 60 percent in some parts of North America. Even the Obama Administration has made an effort to figure out ways to help save our disappearing bee population.

bee1Which is why we’re doing our part to help keep the honey flowing! At Drumlin Farm, we have six hives that are buzzing with activity. And these little insects sure do work hard. From about 20 feet away, one can hear these lively hives, and dozens of bees can be seen hopping from flower to flower at any given time.

If you still haven’t had the chance to see our hives, but want to learn more about what we’re doing with them, be sure to sign up for our intro class in October. Tia and Mel will be there to show you our hives and teach you all about the importance of maintaining the bee population.

Although we don’t recommend getting too close to the hives (here’s a map of where you can find them), feel free to watch them at work as you roam around the farm!
